Elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity test­ing in EMC lab

EN 6100043:2006 +A1 +A2 Elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity (EMC) — Part 43: Test­ing and mea­sure­ment tech­niques — Radi­ated, radio-​frequency, elec­tro­mag­netic field immu­nity test

Ana­log: IEC 610004-3:2006 Electromag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity (EMC) — Part 43: Test­ing and mea­sure­ment tech­niques — Radi­ated, radio-​frequency, elec­tro­mag­netic field immu­nity test

Inter­na­tional stan­dard EN 610004-3:2006 +A1 +A2 defines immu­nity require­ments for elec­tri­cal and elec­tronic equip­ment to radi­ated elec­tro­mag­netic fields. This stan­dard defines test lev­els, test pro­ce­dures and var­i­ous test setups. This stan­dard does not define Pass/​Fail cri­te­ria, there­fore it must be used together with generic and spe­cific prod­uct stan­dards where prod­uct require­ments are stated.

Elec­tronic equip­ment activ­ity in radio fre­quency range causes radi­ated elec­tro­mag­netic fields and these leak out of equip­ment enclo­sure through aper­tures and cables. Every type of equip­ment leaks RF fields and it is called unin­ten­tional emis­sions and such equip­ment is called unin­ten­tional trans­mit­ter.
Some type of indus­trial, sci­en­tific, med­ical equip­ment uses RF energy inten­tion­ally to per­form spe­cific func­tions. This may include microwave heaters, induc­tion heaters, dielec­tric heat­ing equip­ment, induc­tive power transfer/​charging equip­ment. This equip­ment is called inten­tional trans­mit­ters.
Fixed radio, TV and radar trans­mit­ters, cell phones, lap­tops etc. are per­mit­ted to use nar­row fre­quency spec­trum to trans­mit and receive infor­ma­tion. This kind of equip­ment is also called inten­tional trans­mit­ters.
Inten­tional and unin­ten­tional radi­a­tors cre­ate elec­tro­mag­netic envi­ron­ment where other equip­ment must per­form their func­tions. This equip­ment should be tested to ver­ify that it per­forms in its intended envi­ron­ment with­out degra­da­tion of performance.

Test level

This stan­dard defines four immu­nity lev­els. Fre­quency ranges and immu­nity level selec­tion depends on generic stan­dard and prod­uct stan­dard selec­tion. Test lev­els in table are defined in V/​m RMS val­ues with­out modulation.

EN61000-4-3 2006

Test setup
Equip­ment test­ing is car­ried out in ane­choic cham­ber. Equip­ment under test is located on wooden table 0.8m above ground ref­er­ence table. Antenna is located in 3m dis­tance (other dis­tance can be defined). Elec­tro­mag­netic field is gen­er­ated and equip­ment under test and all con­nected cables are exposed to RF field.

EN61000-4-3 2006 2

Usu­ally fre­quency range 80MHz-2.7GHz is con­sid­ered. RF field is 1kHz sine wave 80% ampli­tude mod­u­lated. Exam­ple of mod­u­lated and unmod­u­lated signal.

EN61000-4-3 2006 31

Per­for­mance cri­te­rion
The tests results are clas­si­fied in terms of loss of func­tion or degra­da­tion of per­for­mance. Inter­na­tional stan­dard EN 610004-3:2006 +A1 +A2 does not define Pass/​Fail cri­te­ria. This is defined by generic or spe­cific prod­uct stan­dards. EN 610004-3:2006 +A1 +A2 defines per­for­mance cri­te­ria that can be used to eval­u­ate equip­ment under test per­for­mance.

Per­for­mance cri­te­rion A
Nor­mal per­for­mance within lim­its spec­i­fied by the man­u­fac­turer;

Per­for­mance cri­te­rion B
Tem­po­rary loss of func­tion or degra­da­tion of per­for­mance. Self-​recovery after the test, with­out oper­a­tor inter­ven­tion;

Per­for­mance cri­te­rion C
Tem­po­rary loss of func­tion or degra­da­tion of per­for­mance. Oper­a­tor inter­ven­tion needed for recov­ery after the test;

Per­for­mance cri­te­rion D
Loss of func­tion or degra­da­tion of per­for­mance which is not recov­er­able. Dam­age
of hard­ware or soft­ware, or loss of data.

In almost all generic stan­dards and prod­uct stan­dards per­for­mance cri­te­rion A is required.

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