The last recalls of the elec­tronic prod­ucts from end users in Euro­pean Union due Elec­tric shock pos­si­bil­ity. There are wide range of non-​compliant prod­ucts. We have listed here the last banned prod­ucts from LED lumi­nary group only, that does not com­ply with the Low Volt­age Direc­tive 2006/​95/​EC. The full list of dan­ger prod­ucts found in mar­ket can be found in RAPEX reports.

Tem­po­rary ban on the sup­ply, offer to sup­ply and dis­play of the prod­uct
Date: 17/​01/​2014

Elec­tric shock
The opaque globe and the metal body can be unscrewed allow­ing access to live parts. The inter­nal con­struc­tion is inad­e­quate with no fuse pro­tec­tion, no pri­mary secu­rity for cables and no gap between the pri­mary and sec­ondary wind­ings on the trans­former.
The prod­uct does not com­ply with the Low Volt­age Direc­tive and the rel­e­vant Euro­pean stan­dard EN 62560.
Cat­e­gory: Elec­tri­cal appli­ances and equip­ment
Prod­uct: LED lamp
Brand: Beiyi
Name: E14 LED Lamp
Type/​number of model: E0135
Batch number/​Barcode: E13062003345P
OECD Por­tal Cat­e­gory: 78000000 — Elec­tri­cal Sup­plies
Descrip­tion: LED lamp for gen­eral light­ing sup­plied as a mul­ti­pack of four, each lamp indi­vid­u­ally boxed.
Coun­try of ori­gin: China
RAPEX: A12/​0080/​14

Tem­po­rary ban on the sup­ply, offer to sup­ply and dis­play of the prod­uct
Date: 17/​01/​2014

Elec­tric shock
The lens and the cap retain­ing ring can be eas­ily unscrewed allow­ing access to live parts. Inter­nal con­nec­tions are not sec­ondary secured and insu­la­tion is not fully com­pleted. The clear­ance dis­tances on pri­mary and sec­ondary wind­ings are insuf­fi­cient.
The prod­uct does not com­ply with the Low Volt­age Direc­tive and the rel­e­vant Euro­pean stan­dard EN 62560.
Cat­e­gory: Elec­tri­cal appli­ances and equip­ment
Prod­uct: LED lamp
Brand: Beiyi
Name: GU10 LED Lamp
Type/​number of model: E0192
Batch number/​Barcode: E16022003644P
OECD Por­tal Cat­e­gory: 78000000 — Elec­tri­cal Sup­plies
Descrip­tion: LED lamp for gen­eral light­ing. Sup­plied in a plain card­board box.
Coun­try of ori­gin: China
RAPEX: A12/​0081/​14

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