EMC Design Con­sul­ta­tion in pro­to­typ­ing stage

EMC design in the very begin­ning is always the best approach, not after the fact, when accred­ited EMC test­ing has failed. We work with your engi­neers dur­ing the design cycle and give rec­om­men­da­tions to achieve EMC com­pli­ance. Con­sult­ing can be done in office or over the phone, if prod­uct early stage doc­u­men­ta­tion is pro­vided. EMC solu­tions are inex­pen­sive when imple­mented in early design stage. As the design cycle pro­gresses: from con­cept, to design, to pro­to­type mod­els, to EMC test­ing, to pro­duc­tion the num­ber of EMC mit­i­ga­tion tech­niques avail­able to the designer decreases steadily and the cost of achiev­ing EMC steadily goes up.

We work with your engi­neers dur­ing the design cycle and give rec­om­men­da­tions to achieve EMC com­pli­ance. The con­sult­ing usu­ally can be done in our office or over the phone if prod­uct early stage doc­u­men­ta­tion is pro­vided.

EMC Design Review

EMC design review can be done in any design stage. We review any part of your design start­ing from com­po­nent to the whole prod­uct. This is not the most effi­cient approach, but it is still effec­tive approach to achieve EMC com­pli­ance dur­ing the EMC test­ing. A typ­i­cal EMC design review may take few days. It depends on the com­plex­ity of the prod­uct.

EMC Trou­bleshoot­ing

EMC trou­bleshoot­ing is usu­ally ordered in case when prod­uct has failed accred­ited EMC tests in EMC lab, to find a fix for the prob­lem. Often, lack of time is a prob­lem in this sit­u­a­tion, since the client always wants the fix by “yes­ter­day.” The time required to find a solu­tion is hard to pre­dict, typ­i­cally this may take any­where from a day to a week. This is the least cost effec­tive of all the approaches to reach EMC com­pli­ance and pass EMC test­ing. RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT team always tries to decease the time to fix the prod­uct. Dur­ing the trou­bleshoot­ing and devel­op­ment var­i­ous fix tech­niques are applied– shield­ing, fil­ter­ing, com­po­nent sub­sti­tu­tion, adding of exter­nal EMI fil­ters etc. Often, it is enough to replace some com­po­nents or add some fer­rites and it is not nec­es­sary to change the con­struc­tion of prod­uct.

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