EMC Design Consultation in prototyping stage
EMC design in the very beginning is always the best approach, not after the fact, when accredited EMC testing has failed. We work with your engineers during the design cycle and give recommendations to achieve EMC compliance. Consulting can be done in office or over the phone, if product early stage documentation is provided. EMC solutions are inexpensive when implemented in early design stage. As the design cycle progresses: from concept, to design, to prototype models, to EMC testing, to production the number of EMC mitigation techniques available to the designer decreases steadily and the cost of achieving EMC steadily goes up.
We work with your engineers during the design cycle and give recommendations to achieve EMC compliance. The consulting usually can be done in our office or over the phone if product early stage documentation is provided.
EMC Design Review
EMC design review can be done in any design stage. We review any part of your design starting from component to the whole product. This is not the most efficient approach, but it is still effective approach to achieve EMC compliance during the EMC testing. A typical EMC design review may take few days. It depends on the complexity of the product.
EMC Troubleshooting
EMC troubleshooting is usually ordered in case when product has failed accredited EMC tests in EMC lab, to find a fix for the problem. Often, lack of time is a problem in this situation, since the client always wants the fix by “yesterday.” The time required to find a solution is hard to predict, typically this may take anywhere from a day to a week. This is the least cost effective of all the approaches to reach EMC compliance and pass EMC testing. RF EMC DEVELOPMENT team always tries to decease the time to fix the product. During the troubleshooting and development various fix techniques are applied– shielding, filtering, component substitution, adding of external EMI filters etc. Often, it is enough to replace some components or add some ferrites and it is not necessary to change the construction of product.