in situ testing

In-​situ Test­ing

RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT has a ded­i­cated in-​situ EMC and LVD test team that car­ries out in-​situ EMC test­ing and LVD test­ing world­wide. In-​situ EMC test­ing is ideal in cases if the logis­tics of mov­ing equip­ment to EMC lab­o­ra­tory for con­ven­tional test­ing makes this imprac­ti­cal or is very expen­sive and time con­sum­ing.

We offer EMC test­ing and LVD test­ing solu­tions rang­ing from site sur­veys and pre-​compliance inves­ti­ga­tions, to radi­ated emis­sions, con­ducted emis­sions, con­ducted immu­nity, bulk cur­rent injec­tion, EFT/​Burst (elec­tri­cal fast tran­sient burst), ESD (elec­tro­sta­tic dis­charge) and test­ing for the effects of indi­rect light­ning (Surge).

Our ser­vices are deliv­ered by lead­ing indus­try experts in Europe. Our con­sul­tants and engi­neers have gained con­sid­er­able knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence work­ing in the aero­space indus­try in Euro­pean Space Agency (ESA ESTEC).

Ben­e­fits of using RF EMC DEVELOPMENT

  • In-​situ test­ing is the favor­able for prod­ucts which can­not be moved to EMC test lab­o­ra­tory– large and com­pli­cated equip­ment and appa­ra­tus, fixed installations.
  • Test­ing can be car­ried out out­side nor­mal test­ing hours, allow­ing min­i­mum down­time of your equip­ment at instal­la­tion site (fac­tory, indus­trial plant etc.).
  • EMC inves­ti­ga­tion and fail­ure deter­mi­na­tion, com­pli­ance devel­op­ment can be per­formed on site, dur­ing tri­als or at the time of failure.

Our recent In-​situ test­ing

Test equip­ment for prod­uct ver­i­fi­ca­tion
in situ EMC measurements

In situ EMC testing

LTD “Woodtech”, Ukraine
Wood saw­ing com­plex for wood­work­ing indus­try
In-situ EMC testing

In situ emc measurements

in situ EMC testing

Beer Brew­ery “Aldaris”, Riga, Latvia
Reverse Osmo­sis Drink­ing and process water treat­ment sys­tem
In situ EMC testing

Amuse­ment cen­ter, Moscow, Rus­sia (in situ EMC emis­sion mea­sure­ments, ESD– elec­tro­sta­tic dis­charge)
5D cin­ema

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